
What is College Signing Month?

College Signing Month is a digital signage initiative designed to showcase graduating high school seniors. For the entire month of May, graduating seniors can opt to have their professional graduation photos displayed, with their intended college choice, across any existing network of digital signs throughout their school district and/or on Social Media.

Why do this?

By promoting the post-secondary plans of our successful graduates throughout their school district, the intention is to celebrate our seniors while simultaneously motivating our younger students to pursue a post-secondary education.

Announce your College Signing on Facebook!
Here’s how.


Grab the templates

NOTE: Templates are currently available for schools in Washington state and for the Armed Forces. We are working to expand nationally.

How do I participate?

  • Collect digital copies (.jpgs) of professional graduation photos from seniors along with their intended college choice. Be sure to secure permission from the students to display their photos.
  • Download the college templates on this website
  • Easily edit the templates in PowerPoint to include student photos and names
  • Publish to images (.jpgs) and display on Digital Signs
  • Celebrate your students’ success!

  More about the program